This restaurant offered a great escape from the busyness of Bandung. It's located on the outskirt of the city somewhere on the hilly side. It is quite an experience in itself just to get there, due to the narrow road leading up to the place. You have to really watch for the signs although they are easily spotted once you know what you're looking for. During the weekends this place tends to draw crowd and you will have to wait for at least 30 minutes to get a seating. But don't worry as they do the reservation professionally. You can also occupy the time by buying some of the traditional snacks offered by the place and they also provide enough place to sit.
This restaurant consists of individual huts scattered around the property. They are nicely spaced, decorated and covered to offer privacy to the occupants. The landscape is beautifully done, with lots of plants and trees and somehow they managed to include a small stream complete with a waterfall.
To get to the huts you will travel along a small path, which can get quite slippery in the wet season. There are huts up on the hills that will get you a little bit breathless when you get there. The view from some of the huts are stunning, especially those nestling on the hill side.
The only let down will be the variety of food, because for a restaurant this size they should offer more. We ended up choosing some traditional dish that we didn't really like and some side dishes. However the whole scenery and the service made up for whatever this restaurant lacks, and I would recommend this to any one who is looking for a different experience in dining. Just FYI if you are someone that doesn't like to sit cross legged while eating, this is certainly not the restaurant to go to.